Before the Play (Sprinting):

You need to make sure your team has the following in place:

  • The Product Owner has explained the Product Goal to the Team
    • If not, help the Product Owner to create a Product Goal
  • The Product Owner has created a Product Backlog with at least few items
    • If not, help the Product Owner to create a Product Backlog
  • A working agreement is created for the Scrum Team. This working agreement has to be agreed by everyone in the Scrum Team
  • Top few items in the Product Backlog are clearly understood by the Developers
  • Top few items are estimated (you must have covered some technique in your training above)
  • Required infrastructure is in place (like team space, software, hardware, tools, access permissions etc)
  • Help the team to decide the Sprint duration (we have covered in our training how to do this)
  • Help the team to come up with a Definition of Done for the project/product
  • Help the Developers to come up with the required Coding Standards and Architectural guidelines to be followed


Important: Make sure you are not spending too many days to complete the above, it will be too much upfront planning. You need to have just enough things in place to start the first Sprint.