Why Product Owner and Scrum Master cannot be the same person?

Product Owner and Scrum Master are the two roles of Scrum Team and the third role is Development Team. Usually people get confused with these two roles and also ask why do we need two separate roles and why cannot one person play both the roles to optimise the utilization of a person. So, this […]

Scrum guide changes 2017 Vs 2020

Scrum Guide is the official resource to understand the Scrum framework elements and corresponding rules. The good thing is, Scrum Guide also will be inspected and adapted time to time to make it even effective. Usually every 2 to 3 years a new version of Scrum Guide will be released by it’s co-creators Ken Shwaber and […]

Product Backlog and Refinement Anti-Patterns

Scrum is a lightweight framework to create value through adaptive solutions for complex problems. For any complex problem, unknown is more than known. Hence it is not possible to predict everything upfront and plan ahead. So there must be a way to maintain predictability through just enough planning. In Scrum, the Product Backlog Refinement is […]

Product Backlog vs Sprint Backlog

Scrum has 3 Artifacts: Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog and Increment. The primary purpose of these Artifacts is to enhance “Transparency”, the first leg of Empirical Process Control. In this article, you are going to understand the differences between the Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog. Difference Factor Product Backlog Sprint Backlog Creation Product Backlog will be […]

How to address the spill over issue in Scrum

Predictability is an important factor when you work in a complex environment. It helps to come up with a better forecast. If the Scrum Teams cannot maintain the predictability, eventually forecasting becomes challenging. If the Scrum Teams cannot complete the work that is being pulled into a Sprint by the end of the Sprint, eventually […]

Common Challenges in Facilitation

Facilitation is a key skill for a Scrum Master. Great Facilitators help achieve consensus in decision-making. They see that everyone in the meeting gives their best thinking and contributes to the decision-making. As a Facilitator, you may need to facilitate between the Product Owner and Developers, Product Owner and Stakeholders, within the Developers for various […]

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