Project Manager Vs Scrum Master
Project Manager and Scrum Master are two different roles in two different types of processes used to deliver projects or products. These two roles are not similar in rights, responsibilities, accountabilities, skills and capabilities. Comparing a Project Manager and Scrum Master is just like comparing a Goalkeeper in football with a wicket keeper in cricket. […]
Scrum Master role in Non-IT Industry
Introduction: In recent years, the Scrum framework has gained widespread recognition and adoption in the Information Technology (IT) sector as a powerful framework for managing complex projects, products and services. However, the benefits of Scrum are not confined to IT alone; the principles and practices of Scrum have found valuable application in a variety of […]
Becoming an Agile Leader: How to choose the Best Scrum Master Course in Hyderabad
As the business world continues to evolve, organizations are adopting Agile methods to stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive. At the heart of Agile success lies with the Scrum Master, a key accountability in a Scrum Team who is a coach, facilitator, mentor and agilist responsible for driving teams towards efficiency, collaboration, and […]
A Comprehensive Guide To Certified Scrum Masters
Are you planning to do a scrum master certification course training in Hyderabad? Here is the complete comprehensive guide for you! Scrum is an adaptable and collaborative framework for effectively executing and delivering complex projects/projects/products with an iterative and incremental approach. While initially designed for software development, Scrum has found applications across different industries and […]
How to start and execute a Scrum Project
For any Scrum Team to succeed with Scrum implementation, Scrum Master is accountable, because the Product Owner and the Developers within the Scrum Team may not be aware of Scrum or may not have prior experience. So, the Scrum Master has a responsibility of teaching them Scrum and also helping them in implementing Scrum in […]
Scrum Master to Agile Coach path
Scrum Master to Agile Coach path If you are already working as a Scrum Master and if you are looking for career growth towards becoming an Agile Coach, this article is for you to help achieve your goal. Firstly, you should know the difference between a Scrum Master and an Agile Coach. Below table gives […]
Role of a Scrum Master in an Organization
Scrum has 3 roles: Scrum Master, Product Owner, Development Team. There has been a gray area of understanding in the role of Scrum Master. I am trying to attempt to get a bit of clarity on the role so that individuals who want to get into this role as well as Organizations who want […]
A – Z of Scrum Master
Scrum Master is a leadership role, it is not a manager or boss position. Scrum Master has to enable people and help them to create an environment for the team to become more empowered, ready to take up challenges and learn from failures. In this article, you will learn what are A-Z characteristics of Scrum Master to […]
Scrum Master shades in the organizations
Many organizations are trying Scrum implementation as part of their Agile transformation. However, the implementation varies across different organizations. It is fine to have these variations as long as the core fundamentals of Scrum are not turned into extreme customizations (anti-patterns) in which case the results will be suboptimal. In this article, we will discuss […]
How to create an effective Scrum Master resume?
“You are what you wear”; similarly “Your resume speaks who you are”. Hence building a powerful and effective resume is important for a Scrum Master to secure challenging opportunities in erupted organizations. This article helps you to understand some important tips to create your Scrum Master resume. Keep it short and simple: Do not create […]