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Priority vs Order of Product Backlog Items

People working in any Agile framework such as Scrum and extreme programming are familiar with the words “Priority” and “Order”. These two words are usually used in relation to Product Backlog. However these two words are not the same, there is a difference. The priority and order of a Product Backlog are distinct concepts, even […]

“Follow the Leader” Strategy in Product Development?

Defining and continuously refining the product Strategy is an important activity for Product Development. It helps to keep the Product in the market for a long time competing with the competitors effectively and also to create expected value. A Product Owner should be well versed with various Product Strategies so that he/she can use them […]

Blue Ocean and Red Ocean Strategies in Product Development?

Defining and continuously refining the product Strategy is an important activity for Product Development. It helps to keep the Product in the market for a long time competing with the competitors effectively and also to create expected value. In this article the key differences between Blue Ocean and Red Ocean strategy are explained. Blue Ocean […]

Effective Strategies for Product Marketing as per the Product Lifecycle stages

Effective product marketing strategies vary significantly depending on the stage of the product lifecycle. The product lifecycle stages typically include Idea, Creation, Introduction, Growth, Maturity, and Decline (Retire). Introduction, Growth, Maturity and Retire stages will need various strategies in order to make maximum profit and ensure the Product exists in the market for longer duration. […]

Role of a Product Owner in a multi Scrum team environment

In a multi-scrum team environment, the Product Owner (PO) plays a critical role in ensuring that the teams work cohesively towards a unified product vision. Alignment of all the teams to a common Product Goal and Vision ensures the seamless value delivery and high quality products. Here are the key responsibilities and challenges faced by […]

Technical Product Owner Vs Product Owner

While Scrum does not explicitly mention Technical Product Owner, in some organizations you come across the role “Technical Product Owner”. This article helps to understand the differences, key focus areas of the Product Owner and Technical Product Owner. Product Owner (PO): Customer-centric focus: The PO represents the voice of the customer and stakeholders. They are […]

How to apply iterative and incremental approach for each PBI in a Sprint?

In the Traditional way of Software development, the work gets executed in sequential manner such that the programmer does the programming and hands it over to the tester for testing and so on. In Agile and Scrum, it is a different approach that introduces concurrent engineering. Teams work in overlapping mode to get the work […]

Technical Debt and consequences

Technical debt is a metaphor used in software development to describe the consequences of choosing a suboptimal or imperfect solution.  The Technical Debt usually in the form of code or system design, architecture to meet immediate needs rather than following a well-architected, sustainable long term approach. The term was coined by Ward Cunningham, one of […]


MMF, MVP, and MMR are terms commonly used in the context of software product development, particularly in agile methods like Scrum. People use these concepts synonymously but they are not the same. This article helps you to understand  the key differences of MMF, MMR and MVP. MMF (Minimally Marketable Feature): An MMF is about a […]

Business Analyst Vs Product Owner?

Both Business Analysts (BAs) and Product Owners (POs) play critical roles in the development and management of software products, but they have distinct responsibilities and focus areas within the product development lifecycle. If you are using Scrum for Product Development, then Scrum Does not mandate that every Scrum Team must have a Business Analyst because […]