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Technical debt is a metaphor used in software development to describe the consequences of choosing a suboptimal or imperfect solution.  The Technical Debt usually in the form of code or system design, architecture to meet immediate needs rather than following a well-architected, sustainable long term approach. The term was coined by Ward Cunningham, one of the authors of the Agile Manifesto.

In essence, technical debt represents the accumulated cost that a development team incurs when taking shortcuts or making compromises during the software development process. The definition of Technical debt is “Difference between optimal and actual cost of change”. These shortcuts can manifest in various ways, including:

Quick Fixes: Hasty solutions to address bugs or issues without considering the long-term impact on the codebase.

Lack of Documentation: Skipping proper documentation or comments in the code to expedite development, making it harder for others to understand or maintain the code.

Delayed Refactoring: Avoiding necessary refactoring or restructuring of the codebase to improve its design, readability, or maintainability.

Incomplete Testing: Insufficient or delayed testing, leading to a higher risk of defects and issues down the line.

Outdated Dependencies: Failure to update and maintain third-party libraries or frameworks, leaving the software vulnerable to security risks or missing out on performance improvements.

Overly Complex Code: Writing overly complex or convoluted code to meet deadlines, making it challenging for future developers to understand and modify the code.

Non-Scalable Architecture: Opting for a solution that works for the current scale but is not easily scalable as the software grows.

The consequences of increasing technical debt over time and impact the efficiency and effectiveness of software development. It slows down the software development, value delivery and puts the team into firefighting mode. 

Some key points to understand about technical debt include:

  • Interest: Similar to financial debt, technical debt accumulates “interest” over time as the cost of maintaining and extending the software increases.
  • Trade-offs: Technical debt often involves trade-offs between short-term gains (e.g., faster development) and long-term sustainability (e.g., ease of code maintenance, scalability, maintainability).
  • Awareness and Management: While technical debt is often unavoidable in certain situations, it’s crucial for development teams and stakeholders to be aware of it and actively manage it. This may involve periodic refactoring, addressing accumulated issues, and prioritizing technical debt reduction alongside new feature development.
  • Tools support: Using tools like Sonar cube will help to measure and understand the level of Technical Debt and plan to address it continuously.
  • Definition of Done: Including Technical Debt reduction related activities as part of the Definition of Done will help to keep the technical debt continuously under control
  • Balancing Act: Development teams must strike a balance between delivering features quickly and maintaining a codebase that is sustainable, maintainable, and adaptable to future changes.

Proactively managing technical debt is a key aspect of maintaining a healthy software development process. Teams may use various tools, metrics, and strategies to identify, prioritize, and address technical debt in a way that aligns with the overall goals of the project and the organization.

Is Hardening Sprint helpful?

Some teams consider one or two sprints in a Release to address the Technical Debt. There are Pros and Cons of this approach as given below:


  • Addressing technical debt: Hardening sprints can be useful for addressing technical debt or resolving outstanding technical issues that have accumulated during previous development iterations.
  • Stabilizing the product: They provide a dedicated period for stabilizing the product before release, ensuring that any remaining bugs or issues are addressed to enhance product quality.
  • Fostering collaboration: Hardening sprints may encourage collaboration between development teams and stakeholders to ensure that the product meets quality standards and user expectations before release.


  • Contradiction to Agile principles: Some argue that hardening sprints contradict Agile principles, which emphasize delivering working software frequently. They may be seen as a sign of insufficient emphasis on continuous integration and testing throughout the development process.
  • Risk of delaying releases: Hardening sprints can introduce delays in the release schedule if issues identified during these sprints require significant time and effort to resolve.
  • Potential for reduced transparency: If hardening sprints are used to address issues that were not adequately addressed during regular development iterations, it may indicate a lack of transparency or effective communication within the development team.

In summary, whether a hardening sprint is useful depends on the specific context of the project and the Agile team’s practices. While they can help address technical debt and stabilize the product before release, they should be used judiciously to avoid undermining the principles of Agile manifesto and the continuous value delivery and increasing transparency and predictability .

Product Owner Role in Technical Debt:

A Product Owner should be cautious about technical debt because it can have significant implications for the overall health, transparency, predictability, sustainability, and success of a software product. Here are several reasons why a Product Owner should be cautious about technical debt:

Impact on Productivity: Technical debt can slow down the development process over time. As the debt accumulates, developers spend more time dealing with maintenance issues, bug fixes, and workarounds, reducing their productivity in delivering new features.

Increased Cost of Maintenance: The longer technical debt persists, the more expensive it becomes to maintain the software. Ongoing issues, inefficient code, and delayed refactoring contribute to higher maintenance costs.

Reduced Agility and Adaptability: Technical debt makes the codebase less flexible and adaptable. It becomes harder to respond quickly to changing requirements, market conditions, or emerging technologies.

Higher Risk of Defects: Code with technical debt is more prone to bugs and defects. Over time, the likelihood of introducing errors increases, leading to more time spent on debugging and fixing issues.

Decreased Customer Satisfaction: Technical debt can result in a product that does not meet customer expectations. As issues accumulate, the quality of the user experience may suffer, leading to decreased customer satisfaction.

Increased Complexity: Technical debt often leads to overly complex code, making it challenging for developers to understand and modify. This complexity can hinder the onboarding of new team members and the overall maintainability of the codebase.

Long-Term Impact on Velocity: Technical debt can erode the velocity of a development team over time. Initially, teams may deliver features quickly, but as the debt accumulates, the pace of development can slow down significantly.

Risk of Project Failure: The persistence of technical debt without proper management can increase the risk of project failure. It may become difficult to meet deadlines, deliver a high-quality product, or adapt to changing market conditions.

Compromised Security: Outdated dependencies and postponed security updates due to technical debt can expose the software to security vulnerabilities, putting user data and the organization at risk.

Difficulty in Attracting Talent: Skilled developers may be less inclined to work on a project with a high level of technical debt. A codebase with significant issues can be a deterrent for talented professionals, making it harder for the team to attract and retain skilled developers.

Alignment with Business Goals: Technical debt can create a misalignment between technical decisions and business goals. As the focus shifts toward addressing debt, the team may have less capacity to work on features that directly contribute to business value.

A cautious approach to technical debt involves balancing the need for quick development with a focus on long-term sustainability. Product Owners should work collaboratively with developers, Scrum Masters, and other stakeholders to address technical debt in a way that aligns with the overall product strategy and business objectives. Product Owners should keep the following key points into consideration:

  1. Prioritize the Product Backlog based on the inputs from the Developers to address the Technical Debt
  2. Encourage the Developers to have continuous code reviews and refactoring without compromising
  3. Do not compromise the Definition of Done and include the activities that help reduce the Technical Debt
  4. Automate various testings such as unit testing, regression testing, integration testing, performance testing.
  5. Incremental improvements to break large technical debt items into smaller and prioritize alongside of the new features
  6. Allocated dedicated time in Sprints to have continuous addressing of Technical Debt
  7. Collaborative decision making to include everyone and come up with consensus driven decisions to address the Technical Debt
  8. USe proper tools to highlight the Technical Debt and create transparency
  9. Invest in getting the Teams trained in approaches and strategies to manage the Technical Debt
  10. Seek management support in getting attention and support to address the Technical Debt

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